Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Chihuahuas' 4 truly have had turkey tryptophan day

A lot of us know the sleepy effect that tryptophan found in turkeys' has on us after we ingest it. Let's get right to it, the four Chihuahwees were fed a ton of the turkey scraps around 1:00pm. Shortly after that they were doing the energy burn chasing each other around in the yard. Their path kept involving  more objects including the grill at the edge of the patio. Third turn around the yard they started looking a little sluggish from the turkey feast but continued running full force side by side. They changed direction as they got to the grill, and didn't pass under it front to back. The Chihuahwees tried to pass through the end two legs of the grill and two of the boys' bounced off the legs of the grill end over end and were stunned, the other two kept trucking. I had to gain my composure before I could check them out. Thank the Lord they are ok, ok enough to get more turkey scraps, and more naps two more times.
Sometimes the little things like that can make the Holiday that much more special. Oh yeah, almost forgot humans should not dogs turkey out and then run.
and Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 25, 2013

Chihuahua Iyahyah Happiness

Unbelievable, the Mom Chi Bella was watching her three Chi sons as they had no problem with their sexuality and a whole Lotta awkwardness and bad boy behavior going on until they heard me coming into the room. Gay happiness and kay sira sira, turned into three very guilt ridden Chihuahua nastiness. I thought I would have to separate them with a stick.
 It must be the stars or something because I came back through to find my son yelling to them to get a room or knock it off. I'm just glad I didn't have to go to b'room as hard as I was laughing.
 Just another priceless moment at the Chihuawii circus
Shoulda got it on digital, but probably would have got pinched for puppy porn Ha Ha

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chihuahua family pack

A family of Chihuahuas is still a family, ours has four members from 2 litters. I also think that mama raising them alone does well. The mom named Bella has of course a favorite and I actually think she has one who is the bad one to watch out for. They play together beg together eat together, and yes potty together. You have to get on them to because of there affection to one another. Overall though there
are moments that need to be cherished.